Randall Slimp

Howdy, my name is Randall, I am a husband to a badass wife, a soon-to-be dad and a small time adventurer out of Denver, CO. As an entrepreneur I have no right to throw stones. Like most people reading this, I’ve chased profit for profit’s sake. I built energy companies from the ground up and was an active investor in real estate developments, snack brands, tech companies and the like. A few of those companies made huge returns for my partners and me. But those businesses made no lasting impact on local communities or society at large. It was turbulent, stressful work, and the only thing I have to show for it is a few extra zeros in our company bank accounts.

Meanwhile, I watched manufacturing wages flatline, home prices skyrocket, the wealth gap grow, and large swaths of the population lose the means to care well for themselves, their families, and the planet. Since then, I’ve seen that the companies making the most positive societal impacts also happen to be the most profitable. Which got me thinking, what would the world, and our bank accounts, look like if we investors backed companies that actually mattered? Not companies hawking slightly better mousetraps or frivolous landfill-bound gadgets, but ones shaping culture in ways that will be felt for generations?

This is the reason Nicholas Kirchner and I started Downstream Capital, to have lasting, profitable, and positive downstream effects. I want my son and the generations behind us to be left with a world full of opportunities not a world full of problems.

If any of this resonates with you, let’s talk.

Contact Info:
Randall Slimp
Phone: 505-946-7421
Email: randall@downstreamcap.com
1350 Speer Blvd #106, Denver, CO 80204